Things I’m loving (on Saturday)

I haven’t blogged in forever!  Judging from my WordPress stats, no one is missing it, but it’s a resolution to do it more.  No resolution to increase my stats, though.  I can only do so much!

And I know it’s not Things I Love Thursday, but still.

Anyway, here are some things I’m loving lately:


The Inside Llewyn Davis soundtrack!  I wisely put it on my Christmas wish list and my husband wisely got it for me.  I knew I’d love it.  I can’t wait to see the movie, whenever it gets here . . .


Rescue Me – I’ve been watching this on Netflix.  I’m on season 4.  I know, this ended how long ago?  But we don’t have cable so there you go.


Sycamore Row by John Grisham.  I can’t wait to get home each night (yes, I’m working over Christmas break) to get to my Windows Surface Tablet to read more.  I got the Kindle book for like $7.

What are you loving?

Things I love Thursday


Did you know every basket is handmade?  I made this one:


Someday (when I’m a grandma), I’ll make this one.

Benjamin Franklin


It’s Ben’s birthday!  Don’t you think, if he was alive today, he would just completely get it?  The internet, antibiotics, air travel . . . everything?  If  I could have dinner with two people, alive or dead, I’d want it to be with Ben and my sister.



What’s not to love?  I use it to visually catalog things I find online – no more bookmarks or saved emails from different lists.  My favorite lists are Noms and Oh, that Martha!  (I also love that I was such an early adopter that my user name is my last name.)



I went to my first IASL Board Meeting on Saturday.  What a great group of school librarians!  I’m excited to get to work with them.

Caramel corn


I do love me some caramel corn – I just made some last night.  Here’s the recipe.  Enjoy!  (Ahem – I start resolutions in February.  Well, I tell myself that after January doesn’t start very well.  But I haven’t given up – and I still am sticking to no caffeine!)

Things I love Thursday

Card catalogs


My husband is making me a card catalog as a (late) Christmas present!

Keeping toasty warm


If it has to be winter, at least I have these great gloves (a gift from my mom last year).



We eat black eyed peas every New Year’s Day – this year, we added collard greens.  Yum!



I’m reading this with my husband, and I read it every year with the 3rd grade classes.  It’s my favorite book ever.

Things I love Thursday

5.  Michael Bublé

Pandora always knows to default to this guy for me.

4.  My dog, Buster

He (and my sons) aren’t so happy with me as I’m making him wear a sweater these days.  But wait until I get him one of these!

3.  Cardigan sweaters

Yes, I love me some sweaters.  I’m not sure if you’d say I’m an afficianado or a hoarder (I have at least 15).  I put the above sweater on my “Yes, I want!” Pinterest board, but I also hate to spend more than $10 on a sweater!  So we’ll see.  (Have I had Goodwill on my “Things I love Thursday” list yet?  I should!)

2.  Akinator

Maybe this is the thing I love to hate.  Have you played this?  It’s crazy.  So you think of a character – real or fictional – and answer questions with yes, no, don’t know, probably, or probably not.  Obviously he gets easy ones like Rebecca Black (12 questions) or President Obama (10 questions), but even Tony from Saturday Night Fever (25 questions) or the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters (14 questions), Akinator knows all.  It’s a little freaky!

1.  Seeing my folks

I’m going to spend Saturday with my mom, while my daughter takes my dad to a Panthers football game. 

My parents have always been my biggest fans.  I love to spend time with them!

Things I love Thursday

5.  O, the Oprah Magazine

I’ve subscribed to a lot of magazines over the years – Martha Stewart Living, Everyday Food, Cook’s Illustrated, Cook’s Country, Newsweek, Fitness, National Geographic, etc. etc. etc.  But the one that I will always get is this one.  Yes, the clothes are terribly expensive, but it was in this magazine I learned about the store Steve & Barry’s, where everything was under $10 (which sadly has gone out of business).  It was in O that I read about Valer Austin, an amazingly rich woman who has changed the world with her philanthropy.  I love that you open the cover, turn one page and then there is the table of contents – rather than having to look through twenty pages of perfume and makeup ads.  I haven’t watched Oprah’s show or channel in decades, but I do love her magazine.
I just started a class with Coursera in Greek and Roman mythology.  So the first week we had some videos about mythology in general, and now we’re reading this classic.  I read it a decade ago when I was a student at Austin Peay State University.  I had a class in World Literature and here I was, a good decade older than my classmates, and we read this and Gilgamesh and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.  Pretty much all of my classmates were too cool for school, having read a lot of these in high school.  (I read A Separate Peace and The Old Man and the Sea when I was in high school – I’m glad it was saved until I could really appreciate it.  Thanks, Mr. Blaine!)  Now I’m reading The Odyssey again with a different translation (Fagles translation, where before I’d read the Fitzgerald one), and it’s just as amazing.  I simply cannot wait to get to “Test of the Bow” scene!
3.  Fall leaves
Image by mksfly, used under Creative Commons copyright; Available on Flickr

It’s that time of year where the air gets cooler and I’m definitely wishing we’d bought a new dryer this summer.  (I put clothes on the line yesterday, but I think we’ll have to go appliance shopping this weekend.)  I hope we have as mild of a winter as we had last year, though!
I came upon this Twitter feed when someone online said Honest Toddler was their form of birth control.  I had to see what that was and my goodness, is it hilarious!  Here are his tweets from a trip to the library:
Not participating in library story time. How will learning animal sounds make me successful.
I’m only here because I heard there would be a snack. So far no sign of refreshments.
How am I supposed to learn on an empty stomach. Librarians don’t care about anyone but themselves.
Cow says moo who care WHEN IS THE SNACK
When my brain is this hungry it can’t keep the knowledge.
Dog says woof I already knew that what’s your point
Cat says meow when are we eating
I hope we didn’t pay for story time because it’s not worth a red cent and libraries don’t keep their food promises.
Snack Time! Lining up with all my best friends I love this place!!
This lady just handed me a box of raisins and a sticker. I can’t…I just can’t.
This is so hateful. Volcano coming.
Tried to push over a bookshelf and break a chair with my teeth. On our way home.
Ate my sticker.
Enjoy cleaning up my mess library I won’t be back because I can’t trust you.
1.  My kids

My kids are so. much. fun!  I love hanging out with every one of them.  That’s not to mean one or another or all of them don’t get on my nerves from time to time – they definitely do!  But if I’ve done anything in the world, I’ve raised some pretty cool kids.

Things I love Thursday

I just found this blog last week.  What fun!  I shared with my daughter and . . . well . . . she didn’t find it nearly as funny as I did. 
“When I find out there is yet another book in one of my favorite series.”
(It’s funnier if you go to the original.)
We buy fruit from a church fundraiser twice a year.  This year, I had Ranier cherries (amazing) and peaches for canning (delectable), and now it’s apple season.  I love them because there’s no hurry on them, they will keep.  Not much longer, though, with me eating two a day . . .
I love outlines.  That’s how I do public speaking or term paper writing or most anything I have to prepare:  I create an outline first.  I also love lists.  My siblings laugh about finding a to-do list of mine Christmas morning, 1978, that included using the restroom  (okay, I admit that was excessive).  So to combine the two into one?  Perfect.  I used Evernote and really liked it, but the more notes I had, the harder it was to find what I needed.  Work Flowy takes care of that, with the ability to drill down sublists.  Watch this video to learn more.

I’ve been listening to PHC for fifteen years or more.  My favorite part is the ketchup bits and the Powder Milk Biscuit song, but lately, I love hearing the Ruth Harrison, Reference Librarian skits.  My husband and I went in January to see PHC live at the Fitzgerald Theater and it was amazing – Josh Bell on the violin was the headliner.  I wish I could go to the October show in Indiana to see Old Crow Medicine Show!
1.  My husband

This December 1, it will be 23 years!